Home » Maine Coon Cats » Maine Coon Cats Size & Weight – How Big Are Maine Coon Cats Explained + Comparisons & Size Chart

Maine Coon Cats Size & Weight – How Big Are Maine Coon Cats Explained + Comparisons & Size Chart

by Chloe Thomas
16 minutes read
large maine coon cat

Distinctive and majestic, Maine Coon cats are one of the largest domesticated cat breeds. As their name might suggest they are natives of the state of Maine in North America. The harsh climate of their native land being the main reason they’ve grown to be very big and robust, with a dense fur coat and dog-like characteristics. Lucky for them their appearance has made them the most admirable gentle giants loved by humans.

These majestic cats get a lot of attention for their large frame and irresistible fluffiness. Commonly referred to as the dogs of the cat world, they hold this title for a reason. Their largest representative is the world record holder for cats, measuring in at 123cm (48.5 inches) from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail. This purebred Maine Coon named Stewie definitely made the breed famous for his large frame. Yet, Main Coon cats come in different sizes and are mainly considered moderate-to-large cats.

Not all Maine Coons grow into very large cats, but those that do can grow into quite a giant pet. The differences in size and weight depend on whether the cat is purebred or mixed, gender, genetics, and diet. 

Key Takeaways

  • Male Maine Coons on average, grow between 25 – 40cm in height (10-16 inches) and 35 – 60cm in length (14 – 24 inches). Females grow between 20 – 35cm (8-14 inches) tall and 30 – 40cm long (12 – 16 inches).
  • Female Maine Coons, on average, weigh less than males. A healthy male Maine Coon ranges between 6kg and 11.4kg (9 to 25 lb), while females range between 3.2kg and 7.3kg (7 to 16 lb). Some Maine Coons that grow to be on the larger side can even weigh up to 16kg (35 lb). 
  • There are several factors that affect the size and weight of a Maine Coon cat, like gender, genetics, diet, and lifestyle. 
  • The average birth weight of Maine Coon kittens ranges from 60 to 158 grams. They develop slower than other breeds, reaching maturity between 3 and 4 years of age. Even if a kitten is a purebred, it’s impossible to predict how big will the Maine Coon get when it reaches maturity 
  • Maine Coons are categorised as a moderate-to-large breed. Although some can grow very big, the average Maine Coon is not a giant cat. Still, a Maine Coon is significantly larger than the average household cat. 
  • Adult Maine Coons have a broad build and rectangular, boxy frame. They have a thick, double-layered, lush coat that is shorter on the shoulders and longer on the chest and stomach. The harsh climate conditions and low temperatures they’ve evolved in have made them a large and husky breed. They have long and bushy tails and are also recognisable by the gorgeous tufts on their lynx-like ears.
  • Maine Coon cats are the largest domesticated cat breed. An adult Maine Coon is two times larger than the average household cat. On the other hand, Norwegian Forest cats are closest in size to Maine Coons, but they are slightly smaller.
  • Maine Coon cats also appear big because of their fluffiness, and sometimes, the fluff can hide a big belly that indicates the cat is overweight. To make sure your Maine Coon is fluffy but not fat, you should be able to determine the waist area by feeling the cat’s body with your hands and making sure the waist is narrower compared to the upper body. If the Main Coon is of a healthy weight, you can easily feel the rib cage too.

How Big do Maine Coon Cats Get? 

If you’re struggling to picture just how large world recording holding Stewie the Maine Coon is, here are some reference points: 

  • 3/4 of the average human height
  • 8-year old kid
  • Three times the average house cat

So yes, they can get really, really big. But let’s start with the average size chart for both male and female Maine Coons to understand how big do Maine Coon cats get.

Maine Coons, on average, grow to be between 25 – 40cm in height (10-16 inches) and between 35 – 60cm in length (14 – 24 inches). Some can grow beyond this to 80cm in length or more. Male Maine Coons are often larger than females. The average length for the females ranges between 30cm and 40cm (12-16 inches) tall and around the same length. 

Additionally, Main coon cats appear even bigger because of their fluffiness. Not only are they big in height and length, but their long, double-layered, and thick coats make them appear even bigger and add to their weight.  Maine Coon cats have long and bushy tails. In some cats, it can be the same length as their body. Well, they are giant balls of fur that will get you to buy an extra large bed to cuddle in.

How Much do Maine Coon Cats Weigh?

The average weight of a healthy male Maine Coon ranges between 6kg and 11.4kg (9 to 25 lb). Those cats that are on the larger side may even weigh up to 16kg (35 lb). Female Maine Coons usually weigh less than males, with an average weight between 3.2kg and 7.3kg (7 to 16 lb).

Of course, a Maine Coon cat can fall outside these ranges. The weight and size can differ from cat to cat depending on several factors. The fur also adds to the cat’s weight, so the cat’s total weight may change from season to season. Their coats get significantly thicker in winter when the temperatures are low, and they shed a lot during summer. Thus, the fur’s weight affects the cat’s total weight. 

Factors that Affect Maine Coon Cats’ Size & Weight

As mentioned in the text, several factors affect the size of the fully grown Maine Coon cat, so let’s take a look at those. 

  1. Genetics – the weight and size of a Maine Coon cat are primarily predetermined by the genetic makeup. Not all purebred Maine Coon cats will get very big; it depends on genetics. Moreover, a Maine Coon cat can be a mixed breed, affecting its size and physical features. The mixed-breed Maine Coons are usually smaller than purebred.
  1. Gender – male Maine Coon cats are often larger than female cats. Females are usually 10 to 15cm (3-5 inches) shorter in length and 10 to 15kg (22-33 lb) lighter than males. 
  1. Diet – same as for every live creature, the quality of the diet will affect the growth and size of the Maine Coon. A proper feeding schedule and a balanced diet help a Maine Coon kitten to grow to its full potential in size. On the other hand, if the cat is malnourished, it can affect the proper growth and size as a full-grown cat.
Length / WeightMale Maine Coon CatsFemale Maine Coon Cats
Kittens (0-6 months)20-30 cm (8-12 inches)
1.1-2.0 kg (2.5-4.5 lb)
20-28 cm (8-11 inches)
0.9-1.8 kg (2-4 lb)
Adolescents (6-12 months)30-40 cm (12-16 inches)
3.2-5.4 kg (7-12 lb)
25-35 cm (10-14 inches)
2.3-4.1 kg (5-9 lb)
Adult Small (1-2 years)35-45 cm (14-18 inches)
4.1-6.0 kg (9-13 lb)
30-40 cm (12-16 inches)
3.2-5.0 kg (7-11 lb)
Adult Medium (3-5 years)40-50 cm (16-20 inches)
5.9-8.2 kg (13-18 lb)
35-45 cm (14-18 inches)
4.1-6.0 kg (9-13 lb)
Adult Large (6+ years)45-60 cm (18-24 inches)
8.2-11.4 kg (18-25 lb)
30-40 cm (12-16 inches)
5.4-7.3 kg (12-16 lb)
Maine Coon Cat Size and Weight Chart by Gender and Age

Please note that these are general size and weight ranges for Maine Coon cats and can vary depending on factors such as genetics, diet, and exercise.

What’s the Size of Maine Coon Kittens? 

The average birth weight of a Maine Coon kitten is around 117 grams. But the weight can range from 60 to 158 grams, with males being born generally heavier than females. Maine Coons are born the biggest kittens amongst purebreds, the smallest being Birman cats with an average of 97 grams. 

Maine coon kittens grow and develop longer than other breeds. They reach maturity between 3 and 4 years of age. When buying a Maine Coon, it can usually be separated from the mother when it is around ten weeks old. 

Although they are born small-sized kittens, even when tiny, they are pretty distinctive with the lynx-like years with tufts coming out of them as well as the tufts of fur between their paw pads.

When Do Maine Coon Cats Reach Full Size?

Maine Coon cats grow and mature for a relatively longer time than other cat breeds. They usually reach maturity between 3 and 4 years old. Their slower development results in strong muscles and solid bone structure. Adult Maine Coons have a broad build and rectangular, boxy frame. The thick, silky-smooth fur makes a Maine Coon look magnificent and husky to match its strong and resistant nature.

Despite being large and strong, Maine Coon cats are kittens for longer. This makes them lively and very playful pets. Even when they reach full maturity, they still enjoy a human’s attention and love to cuddle and play. 

Maine Coon Growth Spurts

Compared to other cat breeds, Maine Coons are slow to mature. And although every cat has a different development rate, you can expect Maine Coons to experience growth spurts at certain periods. They usually grow quickly and steadily in the first three months. Then, their first growth spurt will be noticeable between three and seven months of age. The feline is expected to gain around 1kg (2 lbs) a month during this period. After month seven, the first growth sprout is over, and the growth rate will seem to slow down. 

Around year one, Maine Coons hit their second growth spurt, and it’s pretty noticeable how they are getting heftier and larger. After the second noticeable spurt, the development slows down, and the cat will grow and mature slowly and steadily at its own pace until reaching full size and maturity.

It’s important to be aware of growth spurts during a Maine Coons development to avoid overfeeding your cat out of concern for its slow development at certain periods. The best way to follow its progress is to measure it monthly and consult a veterinarian if there is anything concerning regarding the cat’s growth and development.

Maintaining Main coons Health During Growth 

Maine Coon cats are mainly very robust and not prone to health issues. Because of their wild origins and evolving in harsh conditions, they are a healthy and hardy breed. However, due to the small pool of genes, they are likely to suffer genetic diseases typical for their breed. The most common genetic disorder Main Coons inherit is hip dysplasia. 

Hip dysplasia is a physical disorder that makes it easier for the pet owner to catch the problem early on. It occurs when the ball-and-socket joint that connects the thigh bone (femur) to the hip (pelvis) is malformed. So instead of the “ball” fitting in the “socket”, gliding nicely and allowing the cat to move freely, it’s rubbing against the pelvis, loosening the joint and resulting in inflammation and pain. If untreated, it can compromise the cat’s ability to walk freely and cause pain. As a genetically inherited disorder, in some cases can start developing early on, so it’s important to watch for any symptoms during the Main Coons growth spurts.  

How to Tell if Your Maine Coon Cat is Overweight? 

The Maine coons coat is long and double-layered. It is shorter on the shoulders and longer on the chest and stomach. Their lush coat gives them the magnificent appearance they are recognisable for, but it may also hide a fat belly underneath. Their fluffiness might make it harder to recognise whether a Maine Coon cat weighs more than what is considered normal. 

If you think your Maine Coon has been lazy lately and has had a lot of its favourite treats, here are some tips on how to check and determine if they need to be put on a weight-loss diet:

  1. The waist area of a Maine Coon is slightly narrower than its upper body. Looking at the cat from above and running your hands through the body (from front legs to hips), you can feel if the waist is narrower as it should be compared to the upper body. If you feel it is very wide and you can’t determine the waist area, it might mean your cat has put on more weight than normal.
  1. If a Maine Coon cat is of a healthy weight, you can easily feel the rib cage with your hands. If you can’t really feel the ribs, chances are your cat has got a bit chunkier.
  1. A Maine coons tummy is slightly higher than the bottom of the rib cage. If their stomach is sticking out, it might be time to cut down the calories.
  1. Maine Coons are very playful, even as mature cats. They like to play fetch and follow you around the house. However, if they struggle with excessive weight, you may notice them being lazy, not interested in playing, and sleeping much more than before. 

If you have any doubts about your Maine Coon cat’s size and weight, it is always best to contact and consult a veterinarian to understand if your cat needs to be put on a specific diet. Ensuring they are healthy and eating properly is crucial, as obesity in Maine Coons can lead to many health problems. Common obesity-related issues are diabetes, kidney issues, and cardiac diseases like ventricular hypertrophy. It is recommended that you weigh your cat regularly.

Why Do Maine Coons Grow Larger Than Normal Cats?

Maine Coon cats are categorised as a moderate-to-large breed, so the average Maine Coon is not extremely big. Given that they are famous for being on the larger side and most commonly thought of as giant cats, it’s important to note that these are exceptions. The average Maine Coon is between  6kg and 11.4kg (9 to 25 lb). Yet the 11 kg cat is bigger than the average house cat.

Maine Coon cats are genetically predisposed to grow larger than average house cats. They’ve evolved in harsh climate conditions and low temperatures, which resulted in a strong muscular body and double-layered coat. Moreover, to reach the size and strength, they grow and mature much longer than regular cats, reaching full maturity from age 3 to 4.  

Maine Coon cats are naturally big because of their native environment. However, most breeders selling Maine Coons do their best to produce kittens that grow into very big cats. By breeding a large male and a large female, there is a considerable chance their kittens will grow to be very large Maine Coon cats, maybe even larger than their parents. This selective breeding type leads to the birthing of larger-than-average Maine Coon cats. 

This is less likely to happen with natural reproduction, however, genetics is never as predictable. Therefore, not all very big Maine Coon cats result from selective breeding. Some Maine Coons can mature into very big cats even if both parents are very small.

Can You Predict the size of your Maine Coon Cat? 

Most people looking to buy Maine Coon expect to have a large cat when it matures. This is why many breeders are trying to satisfy these demands by mating purebred and large male and female Maine Coons. Though genetics play a huge role, recessive genes can cause the kittens or some of them to be smaller or larger than their parents.

So, the short answer is no. It is impossible to determine precisely how big can a Maine Coon get when it reaches maturity. Therefore, prospective owners should be aware that there is no guarantee the Maine Coon cat will grow to be the specific size they would expect it to be. In any case, the Maine Coon kittens will undoubtedly grow larger than the standard household cat. 

To put this into perspective, let’s look at the other cat breeds compared to Maine Coons. 

Maine Coon Cat Compared to a Regular Cat

Maine coons are considered to be the largest domesticated cats. They are significantly larger than the average household cat, take more time to mature, and have a shorter average life span. 

Regular house cats reach maturity at around two years old. Their average weight is 3kg to 4.5kg (7lbs-10lbs); height 25cm (10 inches) and length around 76cm (30 inches). The average household cat is two times smaller than the average Maine Coon. Regular cats have smaller ears, shorter fur coats, and small compact bodies. Their average lifespan is 12-18 years, while Maine Coons, on average live 9 – 13 years.

Maine coons are also considered way more friendly and sociable than regular cats. That is why they are often referred to as gentle giants and the dogs of the cat world. Although regular cats are also very affectionate pets, they become more passive and loners after reaching maturity. Whereas Maine Coons are playful and quite active as adults, constantly hunting and playing around with their owners. 

Is a Maine Coon Cat Bigger than a Norwegian Forest Cat? 

Norwegian Forest cats are considered the most similar to Maine Coons in size, weight, and appearance. The similarities sparked many legends that Maine Coons are their descendants, which is less likely to be true. 

Norwegian Forest cats are closest in size to Maine Coons, however, on average, they are slightly smaller. Other noticeable differences between these two breeds are; 

  • the shape of the head, in coons being of a square shape while in Norwegian’s more triangular;  
  • Norwegian cats have shorter bodies and higher rumps. Their front legs are slightly shorter than the hind pair, while Maine Coons have even-length legs.  
  • Both breeds have thick and long fur. The Norwegian has a water-repellent outer coat that is short on the chest and shoulders. On the other hand, Maine Coons have silky-smooth and delicate fur that is longer on the chest like a lion’s mane and shorter on the shoulders. 

In conclusion, Maine Coons are at the pedestal of domestic cats today as the largest and most desired breed. Their large physical presence makes them look majestic, while their friendly and loyal personality makes them the softest and most lovable breed. So if you are ready to welcome one into your life, you should make some space in your house but be sure to make an even bigger one in your heart.