Home » Maine Coon Cats » The Temperament of a Maine Coon Cat: What Are the Personality Traits & Behaviours that Make These Felines Unique

The Temperament of a Maine Coon Cat: What Are the Personality Traits & Behaviours that Make These Felines Unique

by Tamara Dzajkovska
23 minutes read
funny maine coon cat playing

Like humans and all other animals, cats have certain distinctive personality traits that dictate their needs and behaviour, especially as domestic animals. With their affectionate nature, curious spirit, and intelligence, Maine Coon cats have become the most beloved domestic breed. Maine Coons’ personality defies the general notion and unpopular opinion that cats are often indifferent and grumpy. Their fluffy coat and large size hide a cat full of character that earned the breed human affection as well as many nicknames.

So what is the temperament of a Maine Coon cat? If you are just starting to discover the world of the magnificent Maine Coons you’ll immediately come across their popular nicknames; the gentle giants and dogs of the cat world. These nicknames summarise their sociable, gentle, loving, friendly, playful, chatty, and quite intelligent nature. 

Maine Coons boast a unique blend of quirks and qualities that set them apart from other cat breeds. From their love of water and impressive hunting skills to their affectionate and lovable character Maine Coons are a fascinating breed and the perfect companion for individuals and families. 

Key Takeaways

  • Maine Coons cats are known for their dog-like personality and love for the outdoors. They enjoy playing with toys, exploring their surroundings, they love water and have exceptional hunting skills. 
  • Maine Coons are affectionate, playful, and great with kids and other pets. Their adaptive, patient and gentle nature makes them excellent family pets. They show affection by purring, knitting, following their owners, and headbutting.
  • There are some general differences in behaviour between male and female Maine Coons. Males are said to be very affectionate and attention-seeking, while females are more independent and reserved. 
  • Maine Coons are very intelligent and can be trained to sharpen their cognitive skills. They can learn to respond to commands, play fetch, and are good at problem-solving activities and tricks. Owners encourage and stimulate their cats by playing with toys, taking them for a walk, setting a scratching post, or a climbing area.
  • Despite their high energy levels, Maine Coon cats are not hyperactive or restless and can balance their activity level with rest periods.
  • Maine Coons have a distinctive personality that sets them apart from other pets. Their intelligence and affection make interacting with them mentally stimulating and form strong bonds. Their affectionate behaviour can boost the mood and well-being of their owners.

Key Maine Coon Personality Traits

Maine Coons are mainly recognisable by their striking physical appearance; the luxurious coat, large body, cute lynx-like ears, and irresistible fluffiness. However, they have an equally impressive and unique temperament.

Not typical for most cat breeds, Maine Coons are quite independent and love the outdoors, love to explore and engage in mentally-stimulating activities while also showing a lot of affection and loyalty to their owners. This is why they are often said to have a dog-like personalities with slight behaviour differences between individuals. 

So let’s look at the 15 main personality traits that make Maine Coons a unique breed. 

  1. Affectionate: Maine Coons are known for their love of attention and affection from their human companions. They enjoy cuddling and grooming their owners, so they are often called “lap cats” and “gentle giants.”
  1. Playful: These cats have a playful nature and enjoy interactive toys and games. They can keep themselves entertained for hours and enjoy playing with their humans. They continue to be playful well into their adult lives.
  1. Intelligent: Maine Coons are considered one of the most intelligent cat breeds, so they seek a lot of playful stimulation even as adults. They love to play and explore at home and in the outdoors. They are known to be able to learn and remember rules, show basic problem-solving skills, and ability to learn tricks.
  1. Gentle: Despite their large size, Maine Coons are caring and gentle and are known for being good with children and other pets.
  1. Family-friendly: Being affectionate and temperate, especially around small children, Maine Coon makes a great family member. They can get triggered by loud children and hostile behaviour, but in a calm loving environment, they enjoy keeping you company and following you around.
  1. Pet-friendly: Maine Coons are generally pet-friendly cats and the perfect pet for families that love to have more than one pet at home. They are good with other pets, both cats and dogs, and enjoy playing and strengthening the friendly bond.  
  1. Vocal: These cats are not afraid to use their voices and are known for their distinctive chirps and trills. They are big on announcing themselves when they enter a room or remind you that it is time to feed them.
  1. Independent: While they love to cuddle and receive human attention, Maine Coons also have an independent streak and are happy to entertain themselves when their humans are busy. This is why the owner should make sure to provide them with enough space and toys. Maine Coons that are outdoor cats, love to go out and explore for hours, often hunting in the early hours of the day.
  1. Curious: These cats have a natural curiosity and love to explore their surroundings. They enjoy perching on high surfaces and observing the world around them.
  1. Sociable: Their curiosity, friendliness, and intelligence make this breed a very sociable cat. A Maine Coon does not shy away from house guests. They enjoy meeting new people and animals, happily playing with them, and showing their toys. 
  1. Loyal: Maine Coons are known for their dog-like loyalty. They often follow their owners around the house and greet them at the door when they come home. 
  1. Adaptive & Resilient: Maine Coons are known for their adaptability to different environments. They can do well in both rural and urban settings and are often happy to live in apartments or houses.
  1. Outgoing: Some Maine Coon owners allow their cats to go outside alone, mainly if they have a large yard or live in a more rural area with a safe and secure outdoor space to explore. Others choose to keep them indoors for their safety, but they often take them out on a leash. Maine Coons can be trained to walk on a leash, and most cats enjoy outdoor walks or hikes. 
  1. Good Hunter: Maine Coons are skilled hunters with great patience, often stalking their prey long before making a move. They are known for being excellent hunters. They have a solid reputation as “mousers,” often proudly bringing home their prey to show it to their humans.
  1. Loves water: Possibly one of the most unique Maine Coon personality traits is their immense love and fascination with water. Non like other cat breeds, they love to play in the water, bathe, and basically use any chance they have to dip their paws. 

The Personality of Female Maine Coon Cats vs. Personality of Male Maine Coon Cats

As with any other cat breed, there are specific commonly observed differences in behaviour between genders. Cat owners can also recognise natural differences between individual cats irrespective of gender. Although these are mainly generalisations, Maine Coon owners state that the Maine Coon cat has a personality that is dependent upon the sex of the individual cat.

Males are larger and more muscular breed representatives. Although they are pretty strong and extremely good hunters, as domestic cats, they have a very witty personality and are a bit more friendly than females. They are said to be more laid-back and boyish-like, showing and seeking more affection and being naughty by intentionally breaking some domestic rules. 

Males have a more playful nature than females and are very outgoing. However, they are also stated to be needier and seek to spend more time with owners and receive attention. A male Maine Coon is more likely to bond with one specific person and follow them around like a shadow. 

Females are very independent and tend to be more reserved at times. They are also playful and affectionate. However, they might show affection less often than males and keep things on their terms. Females want to dominate and prefer being calmer, independent, and less attention-seeking. They are more reserved around new people and need more time to adapt to strangers and decide if they want to show affection. Same as males, they enjoy exploring and being outdoors, however, they need more time to observe, get used to change, and get ready. 

Opposite to the male that enjoys being centre of attention, a female Maine Coon wants to observe and do things at her own pace and terms. It is also more likely to pay attention to all family members and be gentle and cuddly with all of them, opposite to males who would likely choose a favourite. 

Being a very intelligent breed, irrespective of gender, Maine Coons are receptive to nurture. The circumstances and surroundings, as well as the treatment received by the owner, will affect the Maine Coon’s personality. The frequency and amount of interaction, playtimes, and outdoor adventures you have with your cat are thought to impact their behaviour and core personality traits. 

The Personality of a Maine Coon Kitten

Maine Coon kittens are very playful, mild-mannered, and loving. However, like any kitten, these goofy balls are prone to craziness and late-night zoomies.

Maine Coon kittens can be a bit shy and reserved at the beginning until they gain confidence, start to cuddle, and show their true nature. They are indeed very hyperactive and do require a lot of stimulation to stay happy and healthy and develop good behaviour. Therefore, any new owner should be adequately prepared to own a Maine Coon kitten to avoid feeling overwhelmed. 

Maine Coons are a very adaptable breed which makes the transition easier with these kittens. They will quickly adapt to the home environment, family members, and other pets when properly introduced. 

Maine Coons are said to keep their kitten-like personality even as adults. Although kittens are slightly more energetic and goofy, with occasional acrobatic feats and mischief around the house, Maine Coons are exceptionally playful, intelligent, and affectionate at any age. 

The Maine Coon as a Family Pet

Maine Coons make wonderful family pets because of their friendly personalities, adaptability, and love of human companionship. They are easily adaptable to different living situations and changes, and they can thrive in homes with other pets. They are usually very tolerant of children and can be gentle, patient, and protective of their owners, especially with small kids. 

Maine Coons are great companions as they enjoy playing with humans. They engage in games and activities with their owners and are quite witty and attention-seeking even as adults. They also love the outdoors, so they will enjoy having access to secure outdoor space and being taken outside for a walk on a leash. 

That being said, Maine Coons make a great family pet. However, it’s important to note that there are natural differences between individual cats regarding their personality. Spending time with a new pet will help you observe their unique personality traits and bond. If needed, making minor adjustments can help the cat fit in with your family’s lifestyle and become a beloved family member.

Intelligence and Trainability of Maine Coon Cats

Maine Coons are amazingly smart creatures. As extremely intelligent and sociable cats, they are easily trainable and love to learn skills and answer commands. 

Although there is limited research conducted on feline intelligence, owners of Maine Coons often proudly show the cool tricks their Maine Coon can perform and how they can independently open doors or turn the faucet on. Moreover, Maine Coons are well known for their intelligence and problem-solving abilities. Here are some examples of their cognitive skills:

  1. Opening doors: Maine Coons are skilled at opening doors using their paws. They can also use their weight to push doors open if they are not shut properly. 
  1. Retrieving toys: Maine Coons enjoy playing fetch and are able to learn to retrieve toys and bring them back to their owners.
  1. Learning commands: Maine Coons are intelligent cats that can learn commands and tricks with patience and positive reinforcement. They can learn to come when called, sit, roll over, jump through hoops, and even high-five.
  1. Problem-solving skills: Maine Coons have been known to use tools to solve problems, such as using a paw to scoop water from a bowl to drink or to pull a toy out from under a piece of furniture. As huge lovers of water, they learn how to turn the faucet on with their paws to play with water or drink. 
  1. Solving puzzles: Maine Coons enjoy interactive puzzles and games that challenge their problem-solving abilities. They are able to figure out how to manipulate puzzle pieces to get to the treat inside.

Tips for Training Maine Coon Cats

Overall, Maine Coons are intelligent and curious cats capable of learning and problem-solving. They enjoy mental stimulation and interactive play and can be trained with patience and positive reinforcement. Here are some tips that can help you if you are just starting to train your cat:

  1. Starting early is important: Begin training your Maine Coon kitten as soon as possible. Kittens are more receptive to learning and are less set in their ways than adult cats.
  1. Use the clicker method: If you start every training session with a click and a treat, you will teach your cat to recognise the sound and be aware the training session is beginning. This helps to get the cat’s full attention, making the session more successful.
  1. Use positive reinforcement: Use treats, praise, and affection to reinforce good behaviour. Reward your cat when it follows commands or exhibits desired behaviour.
  1. Be consistent: Use the same commands and techniques every time you train your cat. This will help your cat understand what is expected of it.
  1. Keep training sessions short: Cats have short attention spans, so keep training sessions brief and focused. Five to ten minutes per session is usually enough.
  1. Don’t punish your cat: Punishing your cat can make it fearful and may even lead to aggression. Instead, focus on positive reinforcement to encourage good behaviour.
  1. Train in a quiet, distraction-free environment: Choose a quiet room to train your cat and remove any distractions that may divert its attention.
  1. Use toys to reinforce training: Use their favourite toys to make training fun for your cat. For example, use a toy to teach your cat to come when called.

Maine Coons mix of intelligence and people-pleasing instinct makes them a perfect candidate for learning tricks. However, training your Maine Coon cat takes patience and consistency. With time and effort, you can teach your cat new skills, and with this, you will strengthen your bond.

Playfulness and Energy Level of Maine Coon Cats

Despite their size, Maine Coon cats are very agile and can jump high and run fast. They are often compared to dogs in their playfulness and energy level. Many Maine Coon cats also enjoy spending time outdoors, exploring their surroundings, and climbing trees. They also enjoy playing games and are known for their love of chasing toys, playing with water, and even playing fetch.

They have a natural hunting instinct, which makes them enjoy playing with and stalking toys. They are also very intelligent and can easily get bored without enough stimulation, so providing them with plenty of toys, scratching posts, and interactive games is essential.

Despite their high energy level, Maine Coon cats are generally not hyperactive or restless. They can balance their activity level with periods of rest and relaxation. They are appreciated for their calm and gentle temperament and enjoy spending time with their owners.

Overall, Maine Coon cats are lively and entertaining pets that enjoy playing and spending time with their owners. Their playful nature and love of activity make them great companions for families and individuals who enjoy an active lifestyle.

Activities for Maine Coon Cats

Maine Coon cats require plenty of exercise and stimulation to stay happy and healthy. Here are some activities that can help keep your Maine Coon cat active and engaged:

  • Play with toys: Maine Coon cats love to play with toys, especially interactive ones like feather wands, puzzle feeders, and laser pointers. These toys can provide mental and physical stimulation and help your cat burn off excess energy.
  • Provide scratching posts: Scratching is a natural behaviour for cats, and providing a scratching post can give your Maine Coon cat an outlet for this behaviour. Scratching posts can also help keep your cat’s claws healthy and prevent them from scratching furniture.
  • Set up a climbing area: Maine Coon cats love to climb, so setting up a climbing area in your home can give them plenty of opportunities to exercise and explore. You can use shelves, cat trees, or even build a custom climbing wall.
  • Train your cat: Maine Coon cats are intelligent and can learn various tricks and commands. Training your cat can provide mental stimulation and strengthen your bond with your pet.
  • Provide outdoor access: If possible, provide your Maine Coon cat with access to an outdoor enclosure or a safe outdoor area where they can explore and get exercise in a natural setting.
  • Spend time with your cat: Maine Coon cats enjoy spending time with their owners. Spending time playing, cuddling, and grooming your cat can provide them with mental and emotional stimulation and strengthen your bond.

Are Maine Coon Cats Affectionate?

Maine Coons are often described as very affectionate animals, no wonder their most common nickname is gentle giants. If you are lucky enough to share a life with a Maine Coon you will notice all the different ways they show fondness for their fellow humans, making sure their owner feels loved and protected. As very sensible and intelligent creatures, Maine Coons form close bonds with their owners enjoying spending time together cuddling and being petted.

Maine Coons display their love and affection in many different ways. Some individuals choose a favourite, while others are equally affectionate with all family members. Once the cat is settled down, feels safe, and trusts you, it will show love and appreciation. Here are the common ways a Maine Coon says I love you:

  1. Headbutting: One of the most common ways that Maine Coon cats show affection is by headbutting. This is when a cat nose-nudges you and bumps their head against your head or face, often accompanied by a purr or a soft meow. It’s a sign of trust and affection and a way for cats to cuddle with humans and show that they love and appreciate their owners.
  1. Purring: Maine Coon cats are known for their loud and rumbling purrs. They often purr when they’re feeling happy and content, and it’s a way for them to communicate their affection to their owners. When a Maine Coon cat purrs while being petted or held, it’s a sign that they are feeling relaxed and comfortable.
  1. Kneading: Another way that Maine Coon cats show affection is by kneading. This is when a cat pushes their paws in and out, often against a soft surface like a blanket or their owner’s lap. This behaviour is a sign of contentment and relaxation, and it’s a way for cats to show they feel safe and loved.
  1. Following their owners around: Maine Coon cats are known for their loyalty, and they often follow their owners around the house. They may follow their owners as they go about their day and even sit or lie down beside them while they work or watch TV. This behaviour is a sign of trust and affection and a way for cats to stay close to their favourite people.
  1. Licking their owners: Licking is a natural behaviour in cats, used as a way to groom themselves and other cats. However, when a cat licks their owner, it can also signify trust, affection, and love. Licking their owners help them strengthen the bond with their owner and establish trust. Some Maine Coon cats may even lick their owner’s face to greet them or show their excitement.
  1. Rolling onto its back: Maine Coon cats may roll onto their back as a way of expressing their comfort in your presence. This submissive posture suggests they do not feel threatened while being around you, but they trust you and feel comfortable and relaxed.
  1. Bring presents: Maine Coons love to hunt and are rather good at that, proclaimed great “mousers.” To show their love and appreciation, they may often bring you their prey as a present, saying thank you for feeding them, thinking they are providing for you this time. 

Maine Coons thrive on the love and attention of their human companions. Regular affectionate interactions such as cuddling, petting, and playing help to build trust, deepen the bond, and establish a strong sense of security for these cats. 

Consistently providing love and attention can also help to prevent behavioural issues such as aggression, anxiety, and depression, as well as boost optimal health and well-being. By investing time and effort into building a strong bond with their Maine Coon cats, owners can enjoy a loving and rewarding relationship with their pets that will last a lifetime.

Are Maine Coon Cats Aggressive?

Maine Coon cats are typically known for their friendly and sociable personalities. Many surveys among cat enthusiasts depict Maine Coons as one of the friendliest cats. Aggressive behavior is not a common trait for the breed. However, individual cats can vary in temperament, and there may be rare cases where a Maine Coon cat displays aggression.

Although Maine Coons are not naturally aggressive, there can be situations they lash out at the owner or visitors. Fierce hissing, scratching, or biting can be provoked by disrespected boundaries, fear, stress, pain, overstimulation or lack of stimulation, territoriality, genetics, lack of space, or sudden changes (environment, new family member, or pet).

Sometimes aggressive behaviour can result from a health issue, but in most cases, aggression is caused by nurture, not nature. It’s important to note that aggression is not normal for cats, and it should be taken seriously and addressed promptly.

When a Maine Coon cat is exhibiting untypical behaviour and signs of aggression, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any health issues. In addition, working with an animal behaviorist can help identify the root cause of the aggression and develop a plan to address it.

How the Personality Traits of Maine Coon Cats Make them Special as Pets

The health and mood-boosting benefits of owning a pet are scientifically proven, certainly, every pet owner will confirm the same. Having an extremely intelligent and affectionate pet like a Maine Coon is even more rewarding. It can satisfy a human’s need for interaction while forming a strong bond and great relationship. 

Having an intelligent pet can be beneficial for mental stimulation and overall well-being. Interacting with them can be mentally stimulating for both the pet and the owner, which can help to reduce stress and improve mood.

The unique Personality of a Maine Coon sets them apart from all other domestic pets. With their loving and affectionate nature, Maine Coons bring relaxation, calmness, and happiness to family members. They are great companions for people that feel lonely or live a loner lifestyle. 

Maine Coons are also quick learners and exceptionally adaptable. Their intelligence and compassion help them adapt to new situations and environments more easily. Moreover, they are less likely to become anxious or stressed in unfamiliar situations. This makes them easier to care for and less likely to develop behavioural issues, thus perfect as a larger family pet. 

Maine Coons are genuinely compassionate. And by reciprocating the love they receive, they are said to bring immense joy, love, and happiness to their owners.


Maine Coons make a perfect pet for everyone who enjoys a devoted, caring, and selfless companion. Unlike most pets, Maine Coons can satisfy a human need for love and affection in the form of cuddles, as well as mental stimulation that leads to a deep and strong bond. 

There is nothing like a Maine Coon that will fit in perfectly with any type of family. Therefore, if you are considering adopting or purchasing a Maine Coon cat, get ready to welcome a chatty giant ball of fur that will change your life forever and for the better.

Main Coons’ loyalty, love, playfulness, goofiness, and selfless companionship will enrich the life of an individual and a small or large family. If you are wondering if a Maine Coon is a good pet for your kid to grow up with, don’t hesitate. Maine Coons’ loving personality and intelligence make them the best companion a person can wish for.